Aviair Ports and Facilities
Aviair operates an award-winning flight network between Newman & Port Hedland and Broome & Derby.
Aviair also operates scheduled flights in the East Kimberley, from Kununurra to Halls Creek, Balgo and Kalumburu.
Passenger Enquiries
For all scheduled passenger service enquiries please call:
East Kimberley Services 08 9166 9300
Pilbara Services 08 9144 2444
West Kimberley Services 08 9192 3360
Aviair’s passenger terminal facilities are located at:
Locations | Address |
Kununurra – Aviair Private Terminal | 319 Laine Jones Drive, Kununurra Airport, Kununurra WA |
Broome – Aviair Private Terminal |
Aviair scheduled services operate from the Aviair Terminal located at 9 Gus Winckel Drive, Broome WA |
Karratha – Aviair Private Terminal |
7 Norman Road, Karratha Airport, Karratha WA |
Newman – GA Terminal |
Dewar Drive, Newman Airport, Newman WA Flights operate from Gate 7, General Aviation Terminal |
Balgo | Marrapirinti Street, Balgo Airport, Balgo WA |
Halls Creek | Stan Tremlett Drive, Halls Creek Airport, Halls Creek WA |
Kalumburu | Kalumburu Boulevard, Kalumburu Airport, Kalumburu WA |
Port Hedland - GA Terminal | Port Hedland Airport, General Aviation Terminal which is located to the west of the main domestic terminal |
Derby | Derby Airport, Derby, Western Australia, 6728 |
Prior to Check-in
Ensure that each passenger carries a printed or electronic copy of their booking confirmation.
Label your baggage with your passenger name, address and contact number.
Ensure checked and carry-on baggage comply with Aviair’s baggage weight and dimension allowances.
To ensure your flight departs on time, familiarise yourself with the airport location and layout, and ensure you are at the airport with enough time to complete the necessary check-in requirements.
Check-in closes 30minutes prior to scheduled flight departure time.
Photo ID may be required at check-in for Aviair flights.
A Dangerous Goods Declaration must be signed.
Hand Luggage (Carry-on)
All guests travelling on Aviair flights are permitted to take up to 4kg in total of hand luggage on board. Hand luggage may consist of one piece (i.e. small bag or briefcase) that does not exceed total linear dimensions of 40cm x 20cm x 30cm.
Checked Luggage
Guests travelling on Aviair flights are permitted to take up to a total of 15kg of checked luggage, except for Derby to Broome flights where guests are permitted to take up to a total of 23kg checked luggage.
Passengers who anticipate that their checked luggage will exceed the 15kg limit must contact Aviair at the time of booking.
Size limitations of checked luggage apply. Size limitations may apply to items that may be less than the luggage weight limit. Oversized items of luggage will not be guaranteed carriage and may incur additional fees.
Additional luggage may be carried at the discretion of Aviair for an extra charge of $5.00 per kg. The maximum weight for any luggage item is 25kg and carriage of overweight luggage is at the discretion of Aviair.
Do not include fragile or perishable items or valuables in your checked luggage.
Dangerous Goods (Restricted Articles)
Passengers must not include in their luggage or otherwise attempt to carry onboard the aircraft:
- Items which are prohibited by law;
- Items listed as Dangerous Goods on the information which is provided to passengers at check-in;
- Items which are likely to endanger the aircraft or persons or property on board the aircraft;
- Items identified in the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Technical Instructions for the Safe transport of Dangerous Goods by Air and the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulation;
- Firearms (except where declared and processed in accordance with Aviair guidelines) and weapons of any type including, but not limited to, knives, blades, or sharp items; and
- Items Aviair reasonably determine are unsuitable for carriage because they are dangerous or unsafe.
If these items are packed on your person or in your checked or carry-on baggage you will be required to surrender the item/s to Aviair personnel at time of check-in.
Further details can be found in Aviair’s RPT Terms & Conditions.
A Dangerous Goods Declaration must be signed at time of check-in.
If Aviair discover that you are carrying prohibited items, Aviair may do whatever it deems appropriate, reasonable and necessary in the circumstances. This may include disposing of the item/s and/or contacting the relevant authorities. Maximum fines for carrying unauthorised weapons on board an aircraft may exceed $10,000.
Connecting Flights
If your itinerary includes a non-Aviair flight segment, please ensure you have allowed sufficient time to meet your connecting flights. Though every effort is taken to ensure flights run on time, Aviair takes no responsibility or liability for passengers who miss connecting flights.
Aviair collaborates with Nexus Airlines to connect our regional and remote services with larger hubs in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Nexus Airlines arrive and depart from the Main Airport Terminals at Kununurra and Broome Airports, and complimentary transfers to Aviair private terminals are available for those passengers with connecting flights. Please contact Aviair on 08 9192 3360 to book your airport terminal transfer. To book your Nexus Airlines flight, click here.
Terms & Conditions
Aviair’s Terms & Conditions can be found here. A copy of these Terms & Conditions will be provided to passengers at time of booking and ticket issue.
If you would like to provide feedback to Aviair, please issue your feedback in writing to Aviair at PO Box 612, Kununurra WA 6743.
Privacy Notice
Aviair collects information about you to provide products and service to you. Aviair’s full Privacy Policy can be found here.
Your feedback is important to us. If you have any feedback, please contact our reservations team by email: [email protected] and one of our team members will get back to you.
For any enquiries or bookings please do not hesitate to contact one of our friendly team members. You can contact us by phone, email, post or simply complete our inquiry form and we will contact you.
Lot 319 Laine Jones Drive, Kununurra Airport, Kununurra, Western Australia, AUSTRALIA 6743
PO Box 612 Kununurra, Western Australia, AUSTRALIA 6743
April to October
7 Days | 5am - 5:30pm
November to March
Monday to Friday | 5am - 5pm
Saturday & Sunday | 7am - 4pm
Hangar 9, Gus Winckel Drive, Broome, Western Australia, AUSTRALIA 6725
Monday to Friday 5:00am to 6:00pm
7 Norman Road, Karratha, Western Australia, AUSTRALIA 6714
Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm